
BottomCenterUI is a Child of ConsoleUI, but Quite big and important. The BottomCenterUI shows only one Panel at a Time. Based on the current need the panel is choosen, ("SimpleInventoryBar",0) & ("SimpleInventoryBar",0) are not part of the swaped panels.

[0] Single Unit "SimpleInfoPanelUnitDetail"
	[0] "SimpleHeroLevelBar",0
		[0] visual bar
		[1] The Exp-Tooltipbox
	[1] "SimpleProgressIndicator",0
		[0] visual Box
	[2] "SimpleBuildTimeIndicator",0
	[3] "SimpleUnitStatsPanel",0
		[x] "SimpleClassValue",0
	[4] "SimpleInfoPanelIconDamage",0
		[0] Mouse Listener
		[x] "InfoPanelIconLabel",0
		[x] "InfoPanelIconLevel",0
		[x] "InfoPanelIconValue",0
		[x] "InfoPanelIconBackdrop",0
		^^ InfoPanelIcon childs are used by SimpleInfoPanelIcon , 0 to 5
	[5] "SimpleInfoPanelIconDamage",1
		[0] Mouse Listener
	[6] "SimpleInfoPanelIconArmor",2
		[0] Mouse Listener
	[7] "SimpleInfoPanelIconRank",3
		[0] Mouse Listener
	[8] "SimpleInfoPanelIconFood",4
		[0] Mouse Listener
	[9 "SimpleInfoPanelIconGold",5
		[0] Mouse Listener
	[10] "SimpleInfoPanelIconHero",6	
		[0] "SimpleInfoPanelIconHeroText",6
		[1] Mouse Listener
		[x] "InfoPanelIconHeroAgilityLabel", 6
		[x] "InfoPanelIconHeroAgilityValue", 6
		[x] "InfoPanelIconHeroIntellectLabel", 6
		[x] "InfoPanelIconHeroIntellectValue", 6
		[x] "InfoPanelIconHeroStrengthLabel", 6
		[x] "InfoPanelIconHeroStrengthValue", 6
		[x] "InfoPanelIconHeroIcon", 6
		[x] "SimpleInfoPanelIconHero", 6
		[x] "SimpleInfoPanelIconHeroText", 6
	[11] "SimpleInfoPanelIconAlly",7
		[0] Gold - Mouse Listener
		[1] Lumber - Mouse Listener
		[2] Food - Mouse Listener
		[3] UpKeep - Mouse Listener
		[x] "InfoPanelIconAllyFoodIcon", 7
		[x] "InfoPanelIconAllyFoodValue", 7
		[x] "InfoPanelIconAllyGoldIcon", 7
		[x] "InfoPanelIconAllyGoldValue", 7
		[x] "InfoPanelIconAllyTitle", 7
		[x] "InfoPanelIconAllyWoodIcon", 7
		[x] "InfoPanelIconAllyWoodValue", 7
		[0 to 7] BuffIcons + mouse Listeners
	[x] "SimpleNameValue", 0
	[x] "SimpleBuildingActionLabel", 0
[1] Trainer "SimpleInfoPanelBuildingDetail",1
	[0] "SimpleBuildTimeIndicator",1
		[0] Bar Border
	[1] Que Button Backgrounds
	[2] Que Button next to the Progressbar
	[3]	Que Bottom Button Container
		[0 to 5] Button
	[x] "SimpleBuildingNameValue", 1
	[x] "SimpleBuildingDescriptionValue", 1
	[x] "SimpleBuildingActionLabel", 1
	[x] "SimpleBuildQueueBackdrop", 1
[2] Transporter "SimpleInfoPanelCargoDetail",2
	[0] CargoContainer
		[0 to 9] Cargo Button Container (includes Box, pos themself the first time a Transporter with content is selected)
			[0] Button
			[1] Life Bar
			[2] Mana Bar
	[x] "SimpleHoldNameValue",2
	[x] "SimpleHoldDescriptionValue",2
[3] Item on Ground "SimpleInfoPanelItemDetail",3
	[x] "SimpleItemNameValue", 3
	[x] "SimpleItemDescriptionValue", 3
[4] selectable Gate/tree/etc "SimpleInfoPanelDestructableDetail",4
	[x] "SimpleDestructableNameValue", 4
[5] multiple unit group selection
	[0] ContainerGroupButtons
		[0 to 11] ButtonContainer
			[0] Highlighter Background
			[1] Button
			[2] Life Bar
			[3] Mana Bar
[6] "SimpleInventoryBar",0
	[0 to 5] "InventoryButton_0",0 to "InventoryButton_5",0
[7] "SimpleInventoryCover",0 (covers the inventory buttons when no inventory)