
ConsoleUI is the ancestor of SimpleFrames.

[0] "CommandBarFrame",0
	Before an unit was selected "CommandBarFrame" has 24 childs "CommandButton_0" to "CommandButton_11" and (ORIGIN_FRAME_COMMAND_BUTTON,0 to 11)
	After an unit was selected ORIGIN_FRAME_COMMAND_BUTTONs become children of "CommandButton_0" to "CommandButton_11"
	[0 to 11] "CommandButton_0",0 to "CommandButton_11",0
			Created when required
			[0] Cooldown
			[2] ChargeBox			
[1] BottomCenter UI parent (unit info- Inventory)
[2] "ResourceBarFrame",0
	[0] Mouse Listener (Gold)
	[1] Mouse Listener (Lumber)
	[2] Mouse Listener (UpKeep)
	[3] Mouse Listener (Food)
	[???] Fps/Apm/Ping display
	[x] "ResourceBarGoldText",0
	[x] "ResourceBarLumberText",0
	[x] "ResourceBarSupplyText",0
	[x] "ResourceBarUpkeepText",0
[3] "UpperButtonBarFrame",0
	[0] Quest/"UpperButtonBarQuestsButton",0
	[1] Menu/"UpperButtonBarMenuButton",0
	[2] Alliance/"UpperButtonBarAlliesButton",0
	[3] Log/"UpperButtonBarChatButton",0
[4] "MiniMapButtonBar",0
	[0 to 4] Buttons 0(Top), 4(Bottom)
[5] command button mouse deadzone
[6] Hero ButtonBar
	[0 to 6] HeroButtons
		[0] HP-Bar
		[1] MP-Bar
		[2] Unspent-SkillPointsBox (only when this slot ever had unspent SkillPoints)
[7] Idle worker Button Container
	[0] Button
		[0] Charges Box (created with the first idle worker)
[8] World Object Hover info (exist after any object was hovered with the mouse)