GameUI - Overview

GameUI is the ancestor of non SimpleFrames. This is the overview Page. It only shows the direct children.

ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI has on default 14 children. Multiboard, Leaderboard, TimerDialog, and QuestDialog are added when needed. With them it has 19.
After anyone clicked the QuestDialog 2 further ones are added. Custom added Frames takes slots from [8] pushing others back after Chat/Log when created with prio(0)

[1] Probably Parent of World Object Hover info box & HP/Mana Bars
[2] BottomUI Black Background "ConsoleUIBackdrop"
[4] InventoryText, Related to the visuals of SimpleFrames, hiding it makes all SimpleFrames not visible but still clickable
[5] Day Time Clock & Minimap are affected by this one, maybe ancestor/Parent
[6] "CinematicPanel"
[7] "ChatDialog"/"LogDialog"
[8] "Multiboard"
[9] "Leaderboard"
[10] "TimerDialog"
[11] No Idea
[12] "QuestDialog"
[13] "AllianceDialog"
[14] No Idea
[15] Parent Of "EscMenuBackdrop"
[16] Chat Input
[17] EscOptions
[18] Mouse Cursor (Parent)