Scrollable multiline text display of the Frame Family.


Supported FrameEvents

IncludeFile "UI\FrameDef\UI\EscMenuTemplates.fdf", //Frames from that fdf can be inherited in this file
IncludeFile "UI\FrameDef\UI\QuestDialog.fdf",

Frame "TEXTAREA" "MyTextArea" {
    FrameFont "InfoPanelTextFont", 0.020, "",

    TextAreaLineHeight 0.018, //Should fit used font Size, a high difference shows no text or much space between lines.

    TextAreaLineGap 0.00,     //adds that much space between 2 Lines, addtional to TextAreaLineHeight.

    TextAreaInset 0.035,      //Moves the Text and the scrollbar into the middle from all sides by this amount. This increases the min size for game crash.

    TextAreaMaxLines 20,      //Only that amount of lines are displayed, if more lines are added oldest are removed.

    TextAreaScrollBar "MyTextAreaScrollBar",
    Frame "SCROLLBAR" "MyTextAreaScrollBar" INHERITS WITHCHILDREN "EscMenuScrollBarTemplate" {

    ControlBackdrop "MyTextAreaBackdrop",
    Frame "BACKDROP" "MyTextAreaBackdrop" INHERITS "QuestButtonBaseTemplate" {