
Format1: Frame "FRAMETYPE" "FrameName" {}

Format2: Frame "FRAMETYPE" "FrameName" INHERITS "FrameNameInherited" {}

Format3: Frame "FRAMETYPE" "FrameName" INHERITS WITHCHILDREN "FrameNameInherited" {}

Purpose: Define a new Frame of "FRAMETYPE" with "FrameName". In Format2 fdf Actions from the inherited Frame are cloned. WithChildren will also clone fdfActions for child-Frames. The FrameName can be empty "", but it has to be there. The fdf-Actions inside {} belong to the Frame. I call a Frame defined outside of other Frames MainFrame it can be created and inherited. Frames defined inside Frames are child-Frames.

Example: Frame "FRAME" "TimerDialog"

Example: Frame "BACKDROP" "QuestButtonBackdropTemplate" INHERITS "QuestButtonBaseTemplate"

Example: Frame "GLUETEXTBUTTON" "ScriptDialogButton" INHERITS WITHCHILDREN "EscMenuButtonTemplate"