
Format: SetPoint FramePoint-Own, FrameName , FramePoint-FrameName, xOffset , yOffset,

Example: SetPoint LEFT, "UpperButtonBarAlliesButton", RIGHT, 0, 0,

Example: SetPoint TOPLEFT, "InfoPanelIconAllyWoodIcon", BOTTOMLEFT, 0.0, 0.0,

Purpose: Pos the frame with its own FramePoint to FramePoint-FrameName with xOffset and yOffset (+x is right +y is up). When the Frame is created "call" BlzFrameSetPoint(self, FramePoint-Own, BlzGetFrameByName(FrameName, 0), FramePoint-FrameName, x, y).
With UseActiveContext, use CreationContext inside BlzGetFrameByName instead of 0.
The targeted Frame needs to be created before the current Frame. It can be a brother but then needs to be above (lineNr).

Used in: EveryWhere