
Format: ToolTip FrameName,

Example: ToolTip "CodeTextFrame",

Purpose: After this Frame was created (Includes all children), the game "calls" BlzFrameSetTooltip(this, BlzGetFrameByName(frameName, createdContext)). When the ToolTipFrame is created in another Frame then the ToolTipFrame needs to be written at an earlier line.

Used in: none SimpleFrames

Frame "FRAME" "TestFrame" {
	Frame "TEXT" "ToolTipFrame" {
		Text "Test Tooltip Text",
		SetPoint TOPRIGHT, "ConsoleUI", TOPRIGHT, -0.2, -0.2,
	Frame "GLUETEXTBUTTON" "ButtonFrame" INHERITS WITHCHILDREN "EscMenuButtonTemplate" {
		Width 0.13,
		Height 0.03,
		SetPoint CENTER, "ConsoleUI", CENTER, 0, 0,
		ToolTip "ToolTipFrame",

Frame "GLUETEXTBUTTON" "TestButtonFrame" INHERITS WITHCHILDREN "EscMenuButtonTemplate" {
	Width 0.13,
	Height 0.03,
	SetPoint CENTER, "ConsoleUI", CENTER, 0, 0,
	ToolTip "ToolTipFrame",
	Frame "TEXT" "ToolTipFrame" {
		Text "Test Tooltip Text",
		SetPoint BOTTOM, "TestButtonFrame", TOP, 0, 0,